Springing into Spring


For me Spring is my true new year. A time of shoots popping up, more light and here in Britain a very steady increase in the temperature. It feels like a time for intention setting and gearing up for the brighter months ahead.

I am currently studying a coaching course with Wisegoose. On our most recent training weekend we were introduced to something called the Map of Meaning. Based on 20 years of research, the map provides a framework to help us review what gives us meaning and how we can go about creating more meaning in our life. The map uses two axes. On the horizontal axis lie the two polarities of Others on the right hand side and Self on the left hand side. On the vertical axis, at the top is our Being self and on the opposite side lies Doing. These axises form to create four quadrants, with the following titles ‘Unity with others’, ‘service to others’, ‘developing and becoming self’ and ‘expressing full potential.’

I decided to use this framework to earmark 5 ways in which I would like to spring into spring (part of me did reach out for the sick bucket as I typed that!).

1)      Return to volunteering at a local growing project. (‘Service to others’)

Loveland in Penryn is a beautiful space with a community growing plot, a market garden and lots of wonderful people involved. Last summer it provided a beautiful haven for myself and a great opportunity to connect with others and the land.

2)      Swimming in the sea (‘Inspiration’)

I guess this reveals the massive privilege that I have living by the sea. Sometimes I’m not sure whether I get in the sea on the days that I feel more inspired, or that I feel more inspired on those days because I get in the sea. Either way swimming in the morning provides the perfect way to kickstart the day.

3)      Returning to my sit spots (‘Developing and Becoming Self’)

A sit spot is a place in nature which you return to regularly, to sit, observe, use your senses and spend time to be in nature. It can be potentially rejuvenating and invigorating and also challenging at the same time if you struggle with sitting still or if you are holding challenging emotions. I have a couple of spots locally and I aim to return to them more regularly having neglected them through the winter.

4)      Walks/Dinners/ Dancing/ Camping with Others (‘Being with others’)

This is pretty simple. Summer is coming. It’s time to get outside with my pals and loved ones.

5)      Coaching and Supporting Others to Help Them Find Meaning (‘Service to Others/Expressing Full Potential)

I have recently launched Soulfield, my new coaching business. Through this I am offering coaching sessions where others can explore their own map of meaning and reflect on what areas of their life they would like to spring into action.

I’m currently offering 2 people half price coaching over 5 sessions (£75 for 5 sessions), either online or face to face in Falmouth. If this is something you’d like to explore, get in touch with myself at soulfielduk@gmail.com and we can arrange a video call to see if coaching could support you. I’d love to hear from you!

The Map of Meaning



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